Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why is Frodo such a bitch?

In the movies and the books Frodo whines the entire time. When i watch the movies or read the books, I have to skip the entire journey of the ring. The only bearable part is the very beginning in the shire when he's happy and stuff. After that he feels sorry for himself and complains about everything.

After the ring was destroyed and the hobbits returned to the enslaved Shire, if it wasn't for Merry and Pippen the shire would have never been emancipated, and Sauruman would have continued his evil rule. The whole time all Frodo could say was "i don't want anyone to get" and "i don't like violence". Enough with the pacifistic shit, it never works. The worst was when he said "Couldn't we just talk to Sauron, maybe he just needs a friend"

I think he took advantage of the "one ring burden" thing. This act was very beneficial to him and got him things like the last drop of water from the skins in Mordor, a piggy back ride to mount doom, and a ride with Glorfinel to Rivendell while the rest of the hobbits and Aragorn had to worry about the possibility of the Nine returning from the water and trolls and stuff. Also he got a ticket to the west, while his friends had to stay behind.

Sam did a hell of a lot more than Frodo. He carried the ring for a time and I didn't hear him bitch once. Sam was the brains and the brawn. He could see into Gollum's mind and kept his doubts while Frodo put all his trust with the creature. Sam manages to infiltrate the tower of Cirith Ungol and fight Shelob, a decendent of the great Ungoliant, with out even losing a finger.

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